Our Certifications

Our Certifications

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Convinced of the importance of operating with a Quality and Comprehensive Management System and of the benefits and added value that this offers to an organization, we have committed ourselves to the development of each of the objectives set for this purpose, with the constant search for Continuous Improvement of processes to comply with applicable standards and legislation, promote safe international trade, prevent risks, guarantee safe and healthy working conditions, manage innovation and improve our performance in relation to Quality, Environment and Control and security.

The Quality and Integral Management System follows the guidelines of the NTC-ISO 9001:2015, NTC-ISO 14001:2015, NTC-ISO 45001:2018, NTC-5801:2018 Standards, Zero Waste Management System and those of the Control and Safety Management BASC V6: 2022, and covers the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical products for human use, dietary supplements, Phyto therapeutics, by defining the interaction between the processes of the Organization, the assurance in the provision of necessary resources for its effective development, and the performance of feedback and response actions that allow maintaining and improving the performance of each process and of the organization in general.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an international ISO standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that applies to the Quality Management Systems of public and private organizations.

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ISO 45001

It is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, intended to protect workers and visitors from accidents and occupational diseases.

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ISO 45001
ISO 14001

ISO 14001

This Environmental Management System (SGA) standard enables companies to demonstrate that they are responsible and committed to protecting the environment.

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NTC 5801: 2018

NTC 5801 certification of management systems for research, development, and innovation (R+D+i)

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NTC 5801: 2018
Zero Waste

Zero Waste

It is a global initiative that promotes strategies for the reduction, reuse, and use of solid waste through its reintegration into economic, productive and ecological cycles.

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It is an international business alliance that promotes safe trade in cooperation with governments and international organizations.

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Authorized Economic Operator

Authorized Economic Operator

It is the highest quality of trust that a foreign trade company generates before the Colombian State and its Customs authorities.

Good Manufacturing Practices


United States of America

United Kingdom


Saudi Arabia



El Salvador

